Our company specializes in producing high level tampering security bags which widely used in fanancial field, distinguishing it from the hot melt adhesive securitybags on the market. Tampering security features:(tampering security bags patent no. : 201220489336.5)
1. Tamper-evident security Bag: the sealing adpots a “5 second”hot melt self-sealing adhesive closure system. The letter “stop” or “avoid opened” is visible as a part of evident tempering and warning once the bag is torn open. Besides, the letter “stop”or “avoid opened” will appear if the bag is torn open below -45°C or the blue security tape is removed.
2. Yellow security tape is as a part of tampering attempt: The yellow ink will irreversibly turn RED as a part of tampering attempt if temperature reaches to 65°C or more. Besides, the yellow ink dissolves in solvent.
3. The design of double welded edge sealing: Double welded edge with 7.5mm makes bags firmer and micro prints along the both sides of the edge are designed for illegal opening.
4. Barcode, numeric code and receipt slip: Unique running numeric code, barcode and easily torn receipt slip are printed on each bag to track products and stub.
5. Sigature: writable surface is designed to write and sign on the bag.
6. Printing and material: Coulor, word, logo, picture and size can be designed for customers'requirement. Please feel free to contact our company for details.
7. Jeff security Bag are widely used in high-risk situations such as financial institutions,treasury,STEBduty-free shop,aviation,government,courier and secutiry department for cash,cheque,share,debenture and bills transfering, police evidence collection, etc.
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